Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 1 - 2011 London Marathon Training

I have decided to do a sixteen week training program from Runners World targeting a 4 hour marathon. Check out the details here. However, since I was on vacation in Kenya I missed 4 workouts this week, needless to say I struggled a bit. 

Today exercise was to run 7 miles slow, I managed to complete 7 miles in 108 mins for an avg. pace of 9:25. The workout called for an avg. pace of 10:25 – 10:05 so no problem there. I did get a head ache mid way through. I have gotten these head aches before and I have found it's usually do to diet. Coming back from vacation and then running hard was probably a bit of a shock for my body. Anyhow, all and all it was an ok start to my training...

Below are some questions I had to provide for my running profile at work, I thought they would be fun to share… 

Previous running experience (races, PBs etc)
Various 5K and 10K races in the US and UK
What training have you done so far
Averaging 20 miles per week since July 2010
Reason for entering the marathon
To raise money for it4ch and have the amazing experience of participating in the world renowned London Marathon
Training plans or tips
I am following the Runners World Marathon Schedule: Sub-4:00. I am a first time marathon runner so my goal is to stay healthy and have fun! 
Target time for the marathon
4:00 - 4:30
What do you eat before / after training
Chili con Carne or pasta the night before and yogurt or oatmeal the morning of a race
Thoughts on your charity
There are over 240,000 children who are in need of continuing education during their stay at hospitals or long-term sick homes while battling their illnesses. It4ch helps them keep up with their curriculum to ensure continuing education during a very stressful time in their life. I am eager to assist in making these courageous kids life's a bit easier by supporting It4ch's mission.
Interesting facts
I have a growing track record of dressing up as 'large red children’s characters' such as Sesame Street's Elmo and Po the Teletubbe for fancy dress (costume) parties. 

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